Paper Fold tiktok ads
Updated on: July 11 2022 by Pipiads
First seen - Last seen
June 1 2021-July 11 2022
Ad scheduling
May 1 2021
Ad Impressions
Paper Fold tiktok ads cost: $23.23-46.47
Paper Fold ads post on tiktok:
Paper Fold
July 5 2022-July 5 2022
Ad Impressions
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Register-it's freePaper Fold
June 1 2021-July 11 2022
Ad Impressions
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Paper Fold tiktok advertising text
Ad Text | Video Text | Total Ad Impressions | Ads |
Fold to Unfold | Fold to Unfold | 9.2K | 3 |
Paper Fold tiktok advertising effectiveness data
Advertising | Ad Impressions | Total Likes |
July 5 2022 | 195 | 0 |
May 30 2022 | 8K | 27 |
May 18 2022 | 9.2K | 28 |
September 30 2021 | 6.7K | 24 |
September 29 2021 | 6.7K | 24 |
August 21 2021 | 6.5K | 24 |
August 13 2021 | 6.5K | 24 |
July 29 2021 | 4.2K | 11 |
July 19 2021 | 4.2K | 11 |
July 9 2021 | 3.8K | 7 |
June 29 2021 | 3.1K | 3 |
June 17 2021 | 3.1K | 3 |
June 3 2021 | 2.8K | 2 |
June 2 2021 | 2.5K | 2 |
June 1 2021 | 2.5K | 2 |
Ad Schedule
- 05-3105-31-2021
- 06-0106-01-2021
- 06-0206-02-2021
- 06-0306-03-2021
- 06-0406-04-2021
- 06-0506-05-2021
- 06-0606-06-2021
- 06-0706-07-2021
- 06-0806-08-2021
- 06-0906-09-2021
- 06-1006-10-2021
- 06-1106-11-2021
- 06-1206-12-2021
- 06-1306-13-2021
- 06-1406-14-2021
- 06-1506-15-2021
- 06-1606-16-2021
- 06-1706-17-2021
- 06-1806-18-2021
- 06-1906-19-2021
- 06-2006-20-2021
- 06-2106-21-2021
- 06-2206-22-2021
- 06-2306-23-2021
- 06-2406-24-2021
- 06-2506-25-2021
- 06-2606-26-2021
- 06-2706-27-2021
- 06-2806-28-2021
- 06-2906-29-2021
- 06-3006-30-2021
- 07-0107-01-2021
- 07-0207-02-2021
- 07-0307-03-2021
- 07-0407-04-2021
- 07-0507-05-2021
- 07-0607-06-2021
- 07-0707-07-2021
- 07-0807-08-2021
- 07-0907-09-2021
- 07-1007-10-2021
- 07-1107-11-2021
- 07-1207-12-2021
- 07-1307-13-2021
- 07-1407-14-2021
- 07-1507-15-2021
- 07-1607-16-2021
- 07-1707-17-2021
- 07-1807-18-2021
- 07-1907-19-2021
- 07-2007-20-2021
- 07-2107-21-2021
- 07-2207-22-2021
- 07-2307-23-2021
- 07-2407-24-2021
- 07-2507-25-2021
- 07-2607-26-2021
- 07-2707-27-2021
- 07-2807-28-2021
- 07-2907-29-2021
- 07-3007-30-2021
- 07-3107-31-2021
- 08-0108-01-2021
- 08-0208-02-2021
- 08-0308-03-2021
- 08-0408-04-2021
- 08-0508-05-2021
- 08-0608-06-2021
- 08-0708-07-2021
- 08-0808-08-2021
- 08-0908-09-2021
- 08-1008-10-2021
- 08-1108-11-2021
- 08-1208-12-2021
- 08-1308-13-2021
- 08-1408-14-2021
- 08-1508-15-2021
- 08-1608-16-2021
- 08-1708-17-2021
- 08-1808-18-2021
- 08-1908-19-2021
- 08-2008-20-2021
- 08-2108-21-2021
- 08-2208-22-2021
- 08-2308-23-2021
- 08-2408-24-2021
- 08-2508-25-2021
- 08-2608-26-2021
- 08-2708-27-2021
- 08-2808-28-2021
- 08-2908-29-2021
- 08-3008-30-2021
- 08-3108-31-2021
- 09-0109-01-2021
- 09-0209-02-2021
- 09-0309-03-2021
- 09-0409-04-2021
- 09-0509-05-2021
- 09-0609-06-2021
- 09-0709-07-2021
- 09-0809-08-2021
- 09-0909-09-2021
- 09-1009-10-2021
- 09-1109-11-2021
- 09-1209-12-2021
- 09-1309-13-2021
- 09-1409-14-2021
- 09-1509-15-2021
- 09-1609-16-2021
- 09-1709-17-2021
- 09-1809-18-2021
- 09-1909-19-2021
- 09-2009-20-2021
- 09-2109-21-2021
- 09-2209-22-2021
- 09-2309-23-2021
- 09-2409-24-2021
- 09-2509-25-2021
- 09-2609-26-2021
- 09-2709-27-2021
- 09-2809-28-2021
- 09-2909-29-2021
- 09-3009-30-2021
- 10-0110-01-2021
- 10-0210-02-2021
- 10-0310-03-2021
- 10-0410-04-2021
- 10-0510-05-2021
- 10-0610-06-2021
- 10-0710-07-2021
- 10-0810-08-2021
- 10-0910-09-2021
- 10-1010-10-2021
- 10-1110-11-2021
- 10-1210-12-2021
- 10-1310-13-2021
- 10-1410-14-2021
- 10-1510-15-2021
- 10-1610-16-2021
- 10-1710-17-2021
- 10-1810-18-2021
- 10-1910-19-2021
- 10-2010-20-2021
- 10-2110-21-2021
- 10-2210-22-2021
- 10-2310-23-2021
- 10-2410-24-2021
- 10-2510-25-2021
- 10-2610-26-2021
- 10-2710-27-2021
- 10-2810-28-2021
- 10-2910-29-2021
- 10-3010-30-2021
- 10-3110-31-2021
- 11-0111-01-2021
- 11-0211-02-2021
- 11-0311-03-2021
- 11-0411-04-2021
- 11-0511-05-2021
- 11-0611-06-2021
- 11-0711-07-2021
- 11-0811-08-2021
- 11-0911-09-2021
- 11-1011-10-2021
- 11-1111-11-2021
- 11-1211-12-2021
- 11-1311-13-2021
- 11-1411-14-2021
- 11-1511-15-2021
- 11-1611-16-2021
- 11-1711-17-2021
- 11-1811-18-2021
- 11-1911-19-2021
- 11-2011-20-2021
- 11-2111-21-2021
- 11-2211-22-2021
- 11-2311-23-2021
- 11-2411-24-2021
- 11-2511-25-2021
- 11-2611-26-2021
- 11-2711-27-2021
- 11-2811-28-2021
- 11-2911-29-2021
- 11-3011-30-2021
- 12-0112-01-2021
- 12-0212-02-2021
- 12-0312-03-2021
- 12-0412-04-2021
- 12-0512-05-2021
- 12-0612-06-2021
- 12-0712-07-2021
- 12-0812-08-2021
- 12-0912-09-2021
- 12-1012-10-2021
- 12-1112-11-2021
- 12-1212-12-2021
- 12-1312-13-2021
- 12-1412-14-2021
- 12-1512-15-2021
- 12-1612-16-2021
- 12-1712-17-2021
- 12-1812-18-2021
- 12-1912-19-2021
- 12-2012-20-2021
- 12-2112-21-2021
- 12-2212-22-2021
- 12-2312-23-2021
- 12-2412-24-2021
- 12-2512-25-2021
- 12-2612-26-2021
- 12-2712-27-2021
- 12-2812-28-2021
- 12-2912-29-2021
- 12-3012-30-2021
- 12-3112-31-2021
- 01-0101-01-2022
- 01-0201-02-2022
- 01-0301-03-2022
- 01-0401-04-2022
- 01-0501-05-2022
- 01-0601-06-2022
- 01-0701-07-2022
- 01-0801-08-2022
- 01-0901-09-2022
- 01-1001-10-2022
- 01-1101-11-2022
- 01-1201-12-2022
- 01-1301-13-2022
- 01-1401-14-2022
- 01-1501-15-2022
- 01-1601-16-2022
- 01-1701-17-2022
- 01-1801-18-2022
- 01-1901-19-2022
- 01-2001-20-2022
- 01-2101-21-2022
- 01-2201-22-2022
- 01-2301-23-2022
- 01-2401-24-2022
- 01-2501-25-2022
- 01-2601-26-2022
- 01-2701-27-2022
- 01-2801-28-2022
- 01-2901-29-2022
- 01-3001-30-2022
- 01-3101-31-2022
- 02-0102-01-2022
- 02-0202-02-2022
- 02-0302-03-2022
- 02-0402-04-2022
- 02-0502-05-2022
- 02-0602-06-2022
- 02-0702-07-2022
- 02-0802-08-2022
- 02-0902-09-2022
- 02-1002-10-2022
- 02-1102-11-2022
- 02-1202-12-2022
- 02-1302-13-2022
- 02-1402-14-2022
- 02-1502-15-2022
- 02-1602-16-2022
- 02-1702-17-2022
- 02-1802-18-2022
- 02-1902-19-2022
- 02-2002-20-2022
- 02-2102-21-2022
- 02-2202-22-2022
- 02-2302-23-2022
- 02-2402-24-2022
- 02-2502-25-2022
- 02-2602-26-2022
- 02-2702-27-2022
- 02-2802-28-2022
- 03-0103-01-2022
- 03-0203-02-2022
- 03-0303-03-2022
- 03-0403-04-2022
- 03-0503-05-2022
- 03-0603-06-2022
- 03-0703-07-2022
- 03-0803-08-2022
- 03-0903-09-2022
- 03-1003-10-2022
- 03-1103-11-2022
- 03-1203-12-2022
- 03-1303-13-2022
- 03-1403-14-2022
- 03-1503-15-2022
- 03-1603-16-2022
- 03-1703-17-2022
- 03-1803-18-2022
- 03-1903-19-2022
- 03-2003-20-2022
- 03-2103-21-2022
- 03-2203-22-2022
- 03-2303-23-2022
- 03-2403-24-2022
- 03-2503-25-2022
- 03-2603-26-2022
- 03-2703-27-2022
- 03-2803-28-2022
- 03-2903-29-2022
- 03-3003-30-2022
- 03-3103-31-2022
- 04-0104-01-2022
- 04-0204-02-2022
- 04-0304-03-2022
- 04-0404-04-2022
- 04-0504-05-2022
- 04-0604-06-2022
- 04-0704-07-2022
- 04-0804-08-2022
- 04-0904-09-2022
- 04-1004-10-2022
- 04-1104-11-2022
- 04-1204-12-2022
- 04-1304-13-2022
- 04-1404-14-2022
- 04-1504-15-2022
- 04-1604-16-2022
- 04-1704-17-2022
- 04-1804-18-2022
- 04-1904-19-2022
- 04-2004-20-2022
- 04-2104-21-2022
- 04-2204-22-2022
- 04-2304-23-2022
- 04-2404-24-2022
- 04-2504-25-2022
- 04-2604-26-2022
- 04-2704-27-2022
- 04-2804-28-2022
- 04-2904-29-2022
- 04-3004-30-2022
- 05-0105-01-2022
- 05-0205-02-2022
- 05-0305-03-2022
- 05-0405-04-2022
- 05-0505-05-2022
- 05-0605-06-2022
- 05-0705-07-2022
- 05-0805-08-2022
- 05-0905-09-2022
- 05-1005-10-2022
- 05-1105-11-2022
- 05-1205-12-2022
- 05-1305-13-2022
- 05-1405-14-2022
- 05-1505-15-2022
- 05-1605-16-2022
- 05-1705-17-2022
- 05-1805-18-2022
- 05-1905-19-2022
- 05-2005-20-2022
- 05-2105-21-2022
- 05-2205-22-2022
- 05-2305-23-2022
- 05-2405-24-2022
- 05-2505-25-2022
- 05-2605-26-2022
- 05-2705-27-2022
- 05-2805-28-2022
- 05-2905-29-2022
- 05-3005-30-2022
- 05-3105-31-2022
- 06-0106-01-2022
- 06-0206-02-2022
- 06-0306-03-2022
- 06-0406-04-2022
- 06-0506-05-2022
- 06-0606-06-2022
- 06-0706-07-2022
- 06-0806-08-2022
- 06-0906-09-2022
- 06-1006-10-2022
- 06-1106-11-2022
- 06-1206-12-2022
- 06-1306-13-2022
- 06-1406-14-2022
- 06-1506-15-2022
- 06-1606-16-2022
- 06-1706-17-2022
- 06-1806-18-2022
- 06-1906-19-2022
- 06-2006-20-2022
- 06-2106-21-2022
- 06-2206-22-2022
- 06-2306-23-2022
- 06-2406-24-2022
- 06-2506-25-2022
- 06-2606-26-2022
- 06-2706-27-2022
- 06-2806-28-2022
- 06-2906-29-2022
- 06-3006-30-2022
- 07-0107-01-2022
- 07-0207-02-2022
- 07-0307-03-2022
- 07-0407-04-2022